Thursday, May 14, 2009

My atheism

Last week, when I filled out my personal data sheet for my company's records, I wrote down a simple word for the "Religion" entry: "None."

From hereon, I'm going to do the same in all my public or legal documents. I'm going to be more open with my atheism.

Yes, I don't believe in G--. I don't believe in heaven or hell. I don't believe that men have a soul. I believe that when we die, we're gone forever.

No, I'm not into occult. I don't worship the devil--I don't believe such a thing or entity or whatever exists. I don't believe in ghosts and zombies and paranormal stuff.

Yes, I believe in science and reason and logic. Anything that cannot be supported by that is a sham for me.

No, I don't hate religion. It doesn't work for me, but I respect other people if they get their strength from it.

I have good friends who are staunch Christians. And they will remain my friends so long as they don't force me to accept their faith and they don't tell me that I'll go to hell if I don't.
Image from Wikipedia: The Greek word αθεοι (atheoi), as it appears in the Epistle to the Ephesians (2:12) on an early 3rd-century papyrus. It is usually translated into English as "[those who are] without God".