Book I've read: The Murderer Next Door. It says everyone of us is capable of killing. We evolved that way. Humans kill in order to survive. Everyone of us have homicidal thoughts; some are just pushed to the edge that's why they acted on their instinct. But the most interesting information the psychologist author says is that most murderers are actually ordinary people, not psychopaths you see in slasher movies. You are safer with Hannibal than with the person beside you right now.
You might misinterpret me. I might not able to capture in the words above the essence of the book. But I tell you, it's good. The writing isn't brilliant or gripping, but reading the grim facts of life in plain and simple--albeit bland--English is worth your while. The case the author makes is so simple it makes sense. Some people though would disagree with him--especially those who believe that man is created in the image and likeness of some supreme being.
Book I'm editing: Technician's Guide to Posmortem Examination. Do I have to explain why?
Book I'm about to read: The Mammoth Book of Crime Scene Investigation. It features over thirty real-life crime scene investigations solved by forensics.
Got to go and start eating this book. It's weekend! Got no work! I can read what I want, not what I'm assigned to read. Yahoo! I've never appreciated weekends this much.