You might misinterpret me. I might not able to capture in the words above the essence of the book. But I tell you, it's good. The writing isn't brilliant or gripping, but reading the grim facts of life in plain and simple--albeit bland--English is worth your while. The case the author makes is so simple it makes sense. Some people though would disagree with him--especially those who believe that man is created in the image and likeness of some supreme being.
Book I'm editing: Technician's Guide to Posmortem Examination. Do I have to explain why?
Book I'm about to read: The Mammoth Book of Crime Scene Investigation. It features over thirty real-life crime scene investigations solved by forensics.
Got to go and start eating this book. It's weekend! Got no work! I can read what I want, not what I'm assigned to read. Yahoo! I've never appreciated weekends this much.